Tuesday 20 August 2013

TENS Therapy For Mesothelioma Sufferers

Any cancer can cause a sufferer a huge amount of pain while the diseases ravages his or her body. While some cancer cures leave a patient cancer- and pain-free, other types of malignant tumor growth is practically incurable. In these cases, one of the best ways to ease a person's suffering is to lessen the pain that he or she is suffering. One way to decrease pain for mesothelioma patients is through TENS therapy.
TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is an alternative therapy that is often combined with traditional methods of treatment to help stop the pain as well as hopefully the spread of the cancer. Traditional methods of treatment include surgery, as well as chemotherapy and radiation. Patients might undergo several different types of these traditional methods in an effort to combat their cancer.
Mesothelioma is known to be a very painful type of cancer, as well as deadly. It attacks the various linings of the body, such as pleural (lungs), pericardial (heart), peritoneal (abdomen), and even testicular. Since these linings are typically in close contact with the various organs of the body, such as the heart and lungs, it is easy for the cancer to spread to these vital organs. Thus, the survival rate for mesothelioma is not very high, on average.
Because mesothelioma is so painful, TENS therapy is a good way that you can try to combat the suffering. With TENS, electrodes are inserted underneath the skin. They send pulses of electricity to your nerves, which stimulates them and causes them to stop sending pain signals. This works for a shorter period of time and is not used for continuous treatment. Additionally, because you must have the electrodes inserted underneath your skin, this is usually for spot treatment rather than allover pain lessening.
Once the electrodes are placed, the TENS machine is turned on for five to fifteen minutes. During this time, patients describe a warm or tingling sensation which eventually eliminates the pain. Because this is only temporary, you may have to go in to a TENS therapy specialist regularly, or you may even be able to rent the machinery for yourself.
TENS is not meant to be a primary treatment for mesothelioma. It supplements the actual treatment of the tumors. Additionally, as this relies on electrical impulses, it is not good for people who have heart abnormalities or palpitations.
If you have developed the painful cancer of mesothelioma, you may need financial help to get you the treatment you need. One primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos. If you have been exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma, you should talk to an asbestos attorney about your rights. For more information, talk to a Williams Kherkher mesothelioma lawyer today.
Joseph Devine

What Is The Function Of Mesothelium In The Body?

Mesothelium cells serve the function of producing the lubricating fluid that enables the
body organs contained within their cavities to move and slide freely. The lungs will move
freely during the process of breathing. The mesothelium in the chest cavity covers the inner lining of the chest wall and is called parietal pleura. The lungs are also covered almost completely by mesothelium. This portion of the mesothelium covering the lungs proper is called parietal pleura. By their secretions the lungs move freely during inspiration and expiration.
The abdominal cavity has a similar configuration. The inner lining of the abdominal cavity is invested by mesothelium called the parietal peritoneum. The visceral peritoneum covers the surfaces of the intestines and other organs in the abdomen including liver and spleen. Some portions of the intestine are freely mobile and dangle on tissue pedicle called mesentery which is sandwiched on both surfaces by visceral peritoneum. Examples of these include most of the small intestine, transverse large intestine, sigmoid large intestine, and portions of the underbelly of the liver.
The intestines will move freely during digestion, the heart will move freely during its contracting functions, and the testicles will also freely
slide in the testicular cavity. The development of mesothelioma will therefore either destroy
the organs contained within these cavities by directly invading them or encase them restricting
their movements like a "boar constrictor" only very slowly. As you can imagine, when these
scenarios occur, the functions of the lungs, heart, and organs of the abdominal cavity will
be severely compromised leading to a variety of unpleasant and life threatnening effects or
symptoms of the disease and death.
Ike Uzoaru, M.D. [http://www.nojargonmesothelioma.com]

Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer Symptoms

In most cases patients suffering from mesothelioma cancer rarely manifest symptoms at the early stage. However, the symptoms surfaces from 10 to 50 years after initial exposure to asbestos particles. This is what makes it extremely hard to detect the problem before it get late, which is one reason why cancer patient has such an unfortunate high fatality rate.
There are many types of these cancer that are associated with exposure to asbestos fibers such as pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and testicular. Pleural is the most common type of mesothelioma cancer, is a condition that affects the lungs, specifically the pleura, which is a protective membrane. This particular cancer is responsible for about 75% of all mesothelioma cancer cases.
In the United States, about 2,300 patients are diagnosed with some form of mesothelioma cancer. Unfortunately most of these patients were not even aware that anything was wrong with them until it was too late.
The symptoms vary depending on a particular type of cancer. The cancer that affects the pleura named as pleural mesothelioma cancer can cause these symptoms: Chest wall pain, Pleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lung, Shortness of breath, Fatigue or anemia, Wheezing, hoarseness, or cough.
Do not hesitate to consult your doctor as soon as possible when you have been expose to asbestos fibers, care for your health because health is wealth. It may be less expensive to treat it at its early stage. So do the right thing at the right time. Filing a lawsuit is a thing you must not fail to do, then find more information on good lawyers.

Asbestos and Reproductive Cancers

While asbestos was once thought to be an incredibly beneficial material, we now know that it causes cancer. Although the primary cancer associated with asbestos is mesothelioma, it can also cause lung, esophageal, gastrointestinal, kidney, and colorectal cancers. Additionally, doctors are now finding links between ovarian cancer and a form of mesothelioma that affects the testes.
Despite evidence pointing to a link between deteriorating health and asbestos from the ancient Greeks and Romans, we continued to use asbestos, with it gaining mass popularity during the Industrial Revolution. Finally, in the late 1950s, doctors and researchers from a hospital in South Africa presented evidence that exposure to asbestos is the main cause of mesothelioma. However, it wasn't until the late 1980s that the U.S. government outlawed asbestos.
Sadly, asbestos had a widespread presence before it was banned. Asbestos was recognized as a wonderful insulating material because it is resistant to heat, flame, chemicals, electricity, and biodegradation. Thus, it was utilized in the construction, automotive, and shipping industry, which helps to explain its occurrence in ceiling tiles, vinyl flooring, insulation, counter tops, brake pads, and gaskets.
However, now we know that asbestos is a carcinogen because it remains lodged in our bodies since we cannot degrade the material. While most cancers associated with asbestos affect the lungs or gastrointestinal system, it can also turn into ovarian cancer or a specific type of mesothelioma that attacks the lining of the testes.
Although there is no definite link yet, studies have shown that women who use talc powder laced with asbestos are three times more likely to develop ovarian cancer than those that do not. The powder must come into contact with the genital region, and the talc must contain the amphibole type of asbestos. Additionally, women who did not use the talc powder but whose husbands did were also 50% more likely to develop ovarian cancer.
Asbestos doesn't just affect women's reproductive systems. A rare form of mesothelioma attacks the lining of the testes. Mesothelioma cancer, as a whole, hurts the different linings of the body, including lungs, abdominal, heart, and even testes. The membrane lining that surrounds the testes is called the tunica vaginalis. When mesothelioma infests this membrane, it can harm the testes to the extent that part of a testicle or even an entire testicle must be removed.
These types of cancer can damage someone's chances to have children, as well as spread and affect other parts of the body. If you or someone you know has suffered from asbestos-related cancers and diseases, you should speak to a lawyer about your rights.
For more information, contact a Williams Kherkher asbestos attorney today.
Joseph Devine

Mesotheolima Facts

Mesothelioma can be categorized generally into two types according to the type of cancerous cells. These are malignant mesothelioma and benign mesothelioma. The former is the more dangerous one as it spreads to other body parts while the latter one is a non cancerous condition.
Malignant mesothelioma
Malignant mesothelioma is further classified into four types on the basis of the site of cancer. As the major cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure, once asbestos enters the body it can affect different organs including the throat, lungs, stomach, heart and testicles. Thus the main types of malignant mesothelioma are:
• Pleural
• Peritoneal
• Pericardial
• Testicular
1) Pleural mesothelioma
This type of mesothelioma arises in the lung pleura, where the mesothelial lining of the lungs are affected. It is the most common type of mesothelioma that people suffer from. It comprises of up to 75 per cent cases that are diagnosed as mesothelioma.
2) Peritoneal mesothelioma
It is the second most common type of mesothelioma which totals 20 per cent of the mesothelioma cases. The asbestos affects the mesothelial lining of the peritoneal or the abdominal cavity and causes cancer cells to develop here.
3) Pericardial mesothelioma
This type of mesothelioma affects 5% of all the mesothelioma patients. The pericardial lining of the heart called the pericardium is affected by the asbestos and develops cancer.
4) Testicular mesothelioma
The site of cancer is the tunica vaginalis of the testicles and is the least common type of mesothelioma. This is a rare mesothelioma which only affects the male population.
The types of malignant tumor or cancer cells involved in the development of mesothelioma are of three main types namely Epithelioid, Sarcomatoid and Mixed or biphasic cells.
The epitheliod is the most common one accounting for 50 to 70 percent cases but have the best possibility of survival. The affected areas include the covering surrounding the internal organs and internal surfaces in the body.
The other type is Sarcomatoid which is much more serious than the epitheliod, and it affects the secondary tissues including the bone, muscles, cartilage or fat. This type of cancer cell is a much more rare type that occurs in 7-20% of the cases.
Mixed/biphasic refers to both types of cancers that occurs simultaneously, and making up the rest of the 20-35% of the mesothelioma cases that are reported.
Benign mesothelioma
This type of mesothelioma is the non cancerous form of the mesothelioma and is rare. Recently it was referred to as the "solitary fibrous tumor." It is not a cancer itself but can develop into cancerous forms.
The benign mesothelioma can occur in the pleura or the peritoneum. This usually starts in the sub mesothelium layer that lies beneath the mesothelium of either the pleura or the peritoneum.
This form of mesothelioma also affects the males more than the female population.

How Asbestos And Cancer Are Related

Asbestos, a much used construction material for its heat and fire resistant properties is now looked at with shame because it is the main cause for cancer called as mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos dust particles and fibers has caused cancer in millions of people in the past century. Asbestos cancer is exclusively caused due to exposure to asbestos. It is because of this reason that asbestos is banned for usage in construction and mining industry in various countries.
It has been found that asbestos causes mesothelioma cancer which is an aggressive type of cancer that affects mesothelial cells in the body. These mesothelial cells spread across the entire body forming a protective layer for organs and body cavities. Asbestos fibers, dust and particles rupture these mesothelial cells which aggravates to cancer. The exact way asbestos affects mesothelial cells resulting in asbestos cancer is still unknown, but the researches have uncovered dangers caused by asbestos.
Irritation and inflammation of mesothelial cells results in irreversible damage and scarring. This eventually leads to asbestos cancer. Asbestos fibers affect normal cell division resulting in cellular changes. Moreover, these fibers encourage growth of cancer causing free radicals in the body. These free radicals affect DNA resulting in abnormal cell mutation. Asbestos also causes over production of oncoproteins which overrule normal cellular division restrains.
Types Of Mesothelioma
As mesothelial cells are spread across all body organs, cancer is categorized based on where cancer cells are found. Pleural mesothelioma is the most widespread asbestos cancer affecting pleura layer of the lungs. About 75% of mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is also found in the abdominal region and it is named as peritoneal mesothelioma. Abdominal cavity and abdominal organs are affected by this kind of asbestos cancer.
Heart is also affected by asbestos particles and it results in pericardial mesothelioma which affects membrane surrounding the heart. A rare form of mesothelioma is found in lining protecting testicles. It is called as testicular mesothelioma.
Presence of asbestos fibers in the body can affect any organ. Gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer is also found to be caused due to asbestos exposure. This cancer is also found in several patients in kidney, esophagus, throat and gallbladder. Breast cancer, prostrate cancer and leukemia are also caused by asbestos exposure. It has been found that asbestos affects ovarian lining resulting in ovarian cancer.
Diagnosis Of Asbestos Cancer
Mesothelioma, commonly called as cancer doesn't show symptoms until later stage. The disease has a long latency period and more than one diagnostic test is conducted to confirm cancer. X rays, CT and MRT scans and biopsy tests are conducted to diagnose cancerous growth.
Pay a visit to the asbestos compensation combined with asbestos cancer websites for additional info.

Mesothelioma Victims: Did You Know Over 30% of Current Victims Served In The Armed Forces?

Close to 80% of all mesothelioma victims have been exposed to asbestos in their daily lives. And of them, over 30% of those people were members of the armed forces. Malignant mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer that develops in the mesothelium as a result of inhaling or imbibing small particles of asbestos. This can affect the genitals, the heart, the stomach, the throat, and, most often, the lungs.
There are actually five different types of mesothelioma, and only one of them, benign mesothelioma, does not become cancerous. Below are descriptions of the other four in the order of their prominence:
  • Pleural mesothelioma affects about 75% of all mesothelioma victims. It develops in the pleura (lining of the lungs). Symptoms are chest pain, cough, lumps under the skin of the chest, shortness of breath, and fatigue.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma counts for about 20% of the cases, and forms in the peritoneal membrane, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity. The symptoms of this are abdominal swelling and pain, bowel obstruction, nausea, and loss of weight.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma is less common, and affects maybe 5% of the victims of mesothelioma. It develops in the lining of the heart...that sac that surrounds it (the pericardium). Look for difficulty breathing, heart palpitation, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, and night sweating.
  • Testicular mesothelioma is very rare. It has its start in the lining of the testicles (tunica vaginalis). Symptoms are lumps in the testicles that may or may not be painful.
To beat any cancer it must be discovered in the early stages. Mesothelioma victims do not have that advantage. Often the symptoms don't even show up until two to five decades AFTER the exposure to asbestos. You need to see a doctor as soon as any of these symptoms occur, especially if you have, at an time in your life, been exposed to asbestos. However, you should not panic, as so many other medical problems share similar symptoms. It is far better to be safe than sorry.
If the doctor suspects a problem, he will recommend several different tests. Most of them are scans, such as MRI, CT, and PET scans. X-rays most likely would come first. If lumps or fluid build-ups are found, a biopsy will come next to test the tissue, or the liquid for malignant cells.
Should it come to that, it would be wise to not try to go it alone. In addition to your doctors, there are wonderful support groups, mesothelioma victim centers, charities, and other groups to help with financial aid.
I can't go into all of the information that's available about mesothelioma victims in this article; it would be too long. However, if you want to learn more about how to deal with this disease, you can check out the mesothelioma victims [http://www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com] information available on my site. I had a friend with mesothelioma, and I put together this resource for him and others looking to get good, up-to-date information about all facets of mesothelioma help that's available. Feel free to visit it at: www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com [http://www.mesotheliomaresourceguide.com].

Mesothelioma an Aggressive Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer type with no cure yet. The leading cause of this disease is exposure to asbestos, which is a naturally occurring silicate. No amount of asbestos exposure is safe although this disease develops after chronic exposure. Between the exposure itself and the mesothelioma cancer detection usually there is a 20 to 40 (even 50 years) years elapse. In the development of the mesothelioma cancer the long exposure time is of decisive importance, just as the type of asbestos and the fiber size. Asbestos today is banned from construction and all of the other industries, which a few decades ago frequently used it.
Mesothelioma is often mistaken to lung cancer because it mostly affects the pleura (thoracic cavity) among other thin membranes, which cover the organs in our body.
Other membranes where mesothelioma develops are: the peritoneum (in the abdominal cavity) the pericardium (fibroserous sac which encloses the heart), and the tunica vaginalis (serous membrane, which covers the front and sides of the testis and epididymis).
The general mesothelioma symptoms are: cough, husky voice, shortness of breath or difficulty to breathe, difficulty while swallowing, chest pain or abdominal swelling and pain, fatigue, anemia, the loss of appetite, weight loss, cachexia, fluid in the chest or abdomen, inability to sleep.
It is very difficult to diagnose mesothelioma and to connect the symptoms with the cancer because many of the symptoms can easily be mistaken for other more common, not life threatening diseases like heart disease, flu, pneumonia or bronchitis.
As mentioned above there are three main types of mesothelioma cancers: malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant pericardial mesothelioma and malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.
Other occurring mesothelioma types (not very common): testicular, epithelial, biphasic, cystic, liver, brain, papillary, adenocarcinoma, sarcomatoid and desmoplastic mesothelioma.
There are three main options for treating mesothelioma cancer: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. These three treatment options are often combined for an effective treatment. During surgery, the cancer cells are removed and post-surgery mesothelioma doctors usually use radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Treating mesothelioma cancer with these methods will give the patients a possible extension of five years to their lives. Additional treatments used by mesothelioma doctors are anti-angiogenesis drugs, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, and intraoperative photodynamic therapy.
In order to treat efficiently a mesothelioma cancer patient a unified and effective cooperation of general practitioners, epidemiologists, pathologists, thoracic surgeons, radiation therapists, oncologists, rehabilitation specialists and psychotherapists is required.
Find out more about mesothelioma victims. Contact a mesothelioma doctor in your area.

Mesothelioma and Its Signs and Symptoms

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that takes place in the mesothelial lining in different organs of the body, such as the lungs, heart or abdomen. It is a rare cancer that forms from the protective lining, which is known as mesothelium.
There are four types of mesothelioma that may arise, known as the pleural mesothelioma of the lungs, pericardial mesothelioma of the heart, peritoneal mesothelioma of the abdomen and the testicular mesothelioma in the testicles.
A common cause of mesothelioma is known to be exposure to asbestos particles. It is considered that those people are at a higher chance of getting mesothelioma that have been working with asbestos, and have gotten the chance to inhale the dust fiber in one way or another.
Most of the time, the diagnosis of mesothelioma can be difficult as its symptoms are often confused with other common conditions such as viral pneumonia. In addition, the symptoms take a long time to develop, which may be another reason why its diagnosis is difficult.
Its symptoms include not being able to breathe with ease, due to the condition of pleural effusion that is the formation of liquid between the lungs and chest wall. Pain in the chest can also be experienced.
Someone afflicted by this condition may feel other general symptoms. These include an obvious weight loss in the person who is suffering from it, problems related to bowel movements, high fever, fatigue, and clotting of blood.  The face and neck may also swell up causing difficulty in swallowing food.
The person may also cough a lot, with a continuous wheezing and hoarseness in the voice, while also coughing up blood. Other symptoms that are less common include night sweats which are quite troubling, causing one to wake up at night totally drenched in sweat. Moreover, the person may experience nausea and a severe condition of feet swelling up, leading to difficulty in walking. Thus, knowing all these signs and symptoms will surely help properly diagnose the condition.
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The Dreadful Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare case of cancer that is caused by too much exposure to asbestos. For those who are unlucky enough to be diagnosed with this type of cancer, their jobs are to be blamed.
It primarily affects the lining of the lungs but the heart and abdomen can also be affected in certain cases. According to research, almost 2000-3000 cases of Mesothelioma are diagnosed every year in the US. It occurs more frequently to men than women.
The earlier the cancer is diagnosed, the better since it will give more time for treatment. Usually one year is the life expectancy of a Mesothelioma patient but the more aggressive the treatment, the better.
Mesothelioma is caused primarily by exposure to asbestos that occurs when fibers of asbestos is inhaled or ingested and is lodged in human tissues that will cause infection or inflammation.
Asbestos is used in a lot of industries like the mining, shipping, plumbing, refineries, constructions, textile, auto mechanics, appliance shops and railroads.
There are 3 types of Mesothelioma:
• Pleural Mesothelioma: this type of cancer develops in the lungs lining. The most common type of malignant Mesothelioma.
• Peritoneal Mesothelioma: this type of cancer develops in the lining of the abdominal cavity or the peritoneal membrane.
• Pericardial Mesothelioma: this one develops in the lining of the heart. This is a rare type of Mesothelioma.
• Testicular Mesothelioma: this type of Mesothelioma occurs in the tunica vaginilis of the testicles and is a rare form of cancer.
Signs and Symptoms:
One of the bad things having Mesothelioma is that their signs and symptoms usually show up after a decade or so. When a victim finds out that she is diagnosed with Mesothelioma, it's usually too late already. As we all know Mesothelioma has no cure.
• Difficulty in breathing
• Difficulty in swallowing
• Chest pain
• Nausea
• Cold chills
• Amnesia
• Wight loss
• Persistent cough
• Back pain
• Short breaths
• Fatigue
• Constipation
• Vomiting
• Lumps appearing mostly under the skin of the abdomen
Victims of this disease are on of those who we should pity the most since this type of disease has no cure. We should assist and support them all the way and be very positive towards them.
Mesothelioma is caused primarily by exposure to asbestos that occurs when fibers of asbestos is inhaled or ingested and is lodged in human tissues that will cause infection or inflammation. Mesothelioma victims should be pitied the most because of the case that they are in.

The Truth About Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Discussing the subject of mesothelioma life expectancy is certainly not a pleasant one. Yet, it is a subject that must be discussed if you have been diagnosed with the condition. Actually, it also is a subject that should be raised to those fearing they have been exposed to asbestos and have not undergone a proper diagnosis from a physician. Once such a person realizes the severe life threatening nature of mesothelioma, it is doubtful the individual will wait much longer for a proper diagnosis.
Once again, mesothelioma is a severe form of cancer. It has taken the lives of many people that have contracted it. As a result, it is vitally important to seek out medical treatment as soon as humanly possible as this will potentially increase the chances of survival of the person with cancerous tumors.
The outlook of a person suffering from mesothelioma will be based on several factors. The only way to determine these factors would be to undergo a complete examination designed to determine the severity of the condition. Whether or not the cancer was detected early or late; the stage of the cancer; and whether or not the cancer has spread through the body would all be among the factors associated with how long a person's life expectancy will be.
So, while there are no guarantees whatsoever in terms of how successful treatment may be, early detection will have the greatest impact on mesothelioma life expectancy. The survival rate increases when effective treatment is instituted. Note: treatment always has a greater chance of being successful when cancer is discovered at an early stage.
To repeat, there is no way to uniformly determine a blanket mesothelioma life expectancy. However, there are statistics available that allow for researchers to examine the average life expectancy of one suffering from this cancer. There are three major forms that mesothelioma takes: pleural mesothelioma which afflicts the lungs; peritoneal mesothelioma which deals with the abdominal region; and pericardial mesothelioma which is somewhat rare and affects the heart. A fourth form, testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and hardly diagnosed. With the three major forms of the cancer, mesothelioma life expectancy will vary.
Pleural mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer and if undetected and untreated the chances for survival will range from four to 18 months. Peritoneal mesothelioma will only yield a five month to 13 month outlook if not treated. Because pericardial mesothelioma is so rare and research is limited, an estimation of the average life span when not treated is very difficult to ascertain.
Of course, with appropriate treatment, the ability to extend one's life span dramatically is possible. This is because treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can slow down the growth and spread of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy and radiation may, potentially, destroy the cancer cells. Surgery can be employed to outright remove the cancerous tumors. The possibility of using combinations of any two or all three of the methods remains an option as well.
As previously mentioned, there will be a variety of factors that contribute to the ability for the treatment to be effective. The absence or presence of other diseases or disorders may play a role in how effective the treatment may be. In some instances, issues such as the actual location of the cancerous tumors can determine the treatment employed which, in turn, will affect life expectancy. A common example of that would be the presence of tumors near the heart. The high risk of performing surgery in such a region would often eliminate the procedure from consideration. The impact on one's life expectancy when procedures are reduced could possibly be negative.
Of course, a patient will need to do his or her part to extend life expectancy. Lifestyle choices can significantly impact how long or how short your life expectancy is. For example, someone that continues to smoke after being diagnosed with mesothelioma will drastically reduce his or her life expectancy. As such, it is well advised to follow all lifestyle suggestions made by a physician if the goal is to increase mesothelioma life expectancy.
The ability to extend mesothelioma life expectancy is never guaranteed. However, there are certainly ways this can be done. Determinations, however, will need to be made on a case by case basis.
Leigh White invites you to check out her site about Mesothelioma Compensation News where she is working on more articles like this one about Mesothelioma Life Expectancy News.

Mesothelioma Advice

Mesothelioma advice should be sought from a reputable and experienced lawyer, if a victim of asbestos exposure wants to learn more about potential compensation procedures.
Mesothelioma is a rather rare cancerous disease that primarily affects the lining of the lungs, but can also develop in other areas, such as near the heart and in the abdominal cavity. About 3% of all new cancer diagnoses account for mesothelioma in the United States per year. Men get diagnosed four times more often than women.
All forms of mesothelioma are fatal, accept for the benign variant. The average life expectancy is between 12-16 months after diagnosis.
The prognosis of mesothelioma is strongly dependent on the stage of the cancer as well as the general health of the patient. Mesothelioma is exclusively linked to asbestos exposure. When the toxic asbestos fibers get airborne, and therefore inhaled or ingested by a person on site or in close proximity, they may get lodged in the mesothelium, which is very thin lining that surrounds the lungs. This can result in inflammations that may later trigger the development of more severe diseases including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos is a mineral that occurs in nature. It was liberally used for over 100 years in a variety of different building industries and therefore found its way into many homes and public buildings. After the hazards of asbestos exposure became more known to the public in the 70s, the use of products containing this material has declined significantly.
There are five types of mesothelioma:
- Benign mesothelioma: a non-cancerous variation of the disease.
- Peritoneal mesothelioma: accounts for approximately 20% of all reported cases, and primarily affects the abdominal cavity.
- Pleural mesothelioma: a malignant variant and also the most common form. Roughly 75% of all diagnoses fall into this category
- Pericardial mesothelioma: 5% of the mesothelioma victims develop this form which originates on the pericardium, a thin lining that embeds the heart
- Testicular mesothelioma: this is a very rarest variation.
The symptoms of mesothelioma frequently resemble those of less severe health conditions and can include: shortness of breath, difficulties breathing, loss of appetite and weight loss, abdominal swelling, nausea, chest pain, abdominal pain, etc. As the signs and symptoms may not surface for years or decades after the initial contact with asbestos, a conclusive diagnosis is often being made at a very late and progressed stage of the cancer.
If a patient was diagnosed with an asbestos induced illness because of his occupation, he might be eligible to file a compensation lawsuit. It is advisable to seek legal mesothelioma advice from an experienced asbestos lawyer as soon as the diagnosis was made.
The author Tony Ulrich was diagnosed with kidney cancer in October of 2009. In his research on what his cancer could have been caused by, he came across with data that suggests a strong link to environmental toxins, such as asbestos. Please visit his Kidney Cancer and Asbestos Mesothelioma Advice website for more details.

Mesothelioma Symptoms - Know the Facts

Patients suffering from mesothelioma rarely manifest symptoms at the early stage. Ordinarily, the symptoms demonstrate from 15 to 50 years after initial exposure to asbestos. The development of cancer involves a gradual process without you knowing that it had long been taken place inside you. Unfortunately, some of the patients are asymptomatic. They are clueless that they are already running after their lives.  The mesothelioma symptoms are quite similar to less threatening diseases, hence it is difficult to diagnose. If the cancer has already metastasized to other parts of the body, the major symptoms would include pain, difficulty swallowing or dysphagia and swelling in the neck and face. Further, the symptoms vary depending on the type of mesothelioma.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma. The mesothelioma symptoms result from the thickening of the pleural membrane. It includes persistent dry or raspy cough, hemoptysis or coughing up blood, dysphagia, night sweats or fever, unexplained 10% weight loss, fatigue, persistent pain in the lower back or side of the chest, painful breathing, shortness of breath or dyspnea and the presence of lumps. These symptoms, with the exception of the lumps, are common to minor illness. However, the unique sign of pleural mesothelioma is pleural effusion. It is an accumulation of fluid between the lungs and chest cavity making the breathing difficult and painful.
As for the mesothelioma symptoms of the peritoneum, it includes night sweats or fever, swelling or pain in the abdomen which ranges from acute to severe, anemia, low albumin, fatigue, nausea or vomiting and appearance of lumps under the skin on the abdomen. It may likewise involve unexplained weight loss while the waist is dramatically increasing in size. When the cancer is on its late stage, the patients will experience diarrhea or constipation and blood coagulation abnormalities.
The two rare types of mesothelioma are pericardial which affects the lining surrounding the heart and the testicular which affects the testicles. The signs normally correlate to poor prognosis. The mesothelioma symptoms of the pericardial include heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat, weight loss, swelling of legs and feet, chest pain, fever or night sweats, intense fatigue even after ordinary activity. The notable signs pertain to breathing. The patient will experience dyspnea or difficulty breathing particularly at night, shortness of breath and orthopnea or breathing discomfort while lying flat. For the testicular mesothelioma, there is no known symptom other than the appearance of lumps.
For much more information on Mesothelioma Symptoms, visit www.LookMesothelioma.com <== Click Here

Mesothelioma Symptoms Are Varied and Numerous

Mesothelioma symptoms appear decades after exposure to asbestos has taken place. Mesothelioma cannot be conclusively diagnosed from observation of its symptoms alone because the cancer has symptoms that are common to other illnesses. Additionally, different types of mesothelioma have different symptoms.
Pleural mesothelioma develops in the pleura, or the lining of the lungs. It is the most common form of mesothelioma. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are chest pain, difficulty with breathing, difficulty with swallowing, coughing of blood and night sweats.
Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the peritoneum, or the lining of the abdomen. Its symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, swelling of the abdomen, abdominal pain and formation of lumps of tissue in the abdomen.
Pericardial mesothelioma is found in the tissue surrounding the heart. It is among the rarest types of mesothelioma, found in about 5% of mesothelioma cases. The symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are chest pain, irregular heart beat, fever and difficulty with breathing.
Testicular mesothelioma, or mesothelioma of Tunica Vaginalis develops in the tissue surrounding the testicles. The symptom of this type of mesothelioma is the presence of a mass on the testicle. Because this type of mesothelioma is the rarest type of the cancer, information concerning its symptoms is limited.
Anyone experiencing the symptoms described above should take heart that mesothelioma is a rare cancer afflicting about 3,000 people in the US each year. Thus, it is likely that the symptoms are indicative of a condition or illness less serious than mesothelioma. However, no conclusion should be reached without the guidance of a healthcare professional.
It is especially important for people who worked with asbestos containing products or lived with anyone who did, to seek medical attention if they are experiencing the symptoms of mesothelioma. Unfortunately, asbestos was used in a wide range of products such as brakes, roofing shingles, electrical wiring and insulation material. Consequently, workers such as mechanics, construction workers, boiler workers, electricians and others who worked with asbestos products are at risk of developing mesothelioma. Further, people who lived with asbestos industry workers are also at risk of developing the cancer from secondary asbestos exposure e.g., washing the asbestos contaminated clothes of someone who worked with asbestos.
People suffering from mesothelioma should consider contacting an experienced mesothelioma lawyer. Companies in the asbestos industry knew of the lethal dangers of asbestos but did not disclose them to maintain profitability. For the same reason, companies did not provide protective equipment that could have prevented exposure to asbestos. Therefore, the law allows mesothelioma patients to file legal claims against companies responsible for their exposure to asbestos.
Weitz & Luxenberg is a U.S. law firm that accepts asbestos cancer cases from all areas of the U.S. and certain regions of Canada. Weitz & Luxenberg is a nationally recognized mesothelioma law firm. Please visit our website for more information at http://weitzlux.com/

Malignant Mesothelioma, Asbestos, and Your Rights

Have you been diagnosed with Malignant Mesothelioma? Are you or your doctor concerned you might be at risk for it? If you've been exposed to asbestos as part of your employment, you may have certain rights under the law which you and your family should take into account. Still, it is ALWAYS easier to a handle situation when you have the facts in front of you.
Let's start by covering the basics. Malignant Mesothelioma; what is it, and just as important, how did you get it? What are the stages and symptoms? How do you treat it? And, if you are diagnosed with it, how do you protect yourself and your family from the financial burden this life altering illness can cause?
What is it?
Malignant Mesothelioma (referred to as mesothelioma in this article) is a form of cancer. It typically affects the lining of the lungs and the abdominal cavity. There are four common types of mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma and is generally a tumor that develops in the chest cavity and areas which surround the lungs. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is the second most common type of this illness and it refers to tumors which develop in the lining of the abdominal area. Pericardial Mesothelioma is a rare type of this disease and generally presents as a tumor which affects the tissues and membrane which surround the heart. The rarest type is Testicular Mesothelioma which affects the lining of the tissues that surround the testicles.
How do you get it?
Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos or asbestos containing particles. Most of us, at some point in our life, may have been exposed to asbestos at home or at work. Asbestos was widely used in many construction projects and household products for several decades. Anyone working in a factory that produced asbestos products or asbestos containing materials or a construction company using these materials or renovates buildings where these materials may have been used is at greater risk for further exposure.
However, just because you've been exposed to asbestos does not mean you will get mesothelioma. It is most commonly found in individuals who have had frequent exposure to asbestos over a long period of time.
What are the Stages and Symptoms?
There are four stages of Mesothelioma, and symptoms vary by stage and type. It can take up to 30 years before any symptoms appear, and can be hard to detect in the early stages.
Typically early symptoms include feeling tired and/or having a persistent cough or shortness of breath. You may think you have a common cold or flu virus, or are just feeling "off." While this may be true in many cases, check with your doctor if you have concerns about your symptoms, particularly if they last longer than usual.
In later stages, symptoms are usually more severe and easier to diagnose. Typically they include increased chest pain and shortness of breath, weight loss and decreased appetite.
What are the Treatment Options?
There are a number of treatment options available to individuals who have mesothelioma. They usually include chemotherapy and surgery, and medical researchers are continuing to explore alternate methods of treatment. When the condition is suspected, your doctor will utilize a process called "mesothelioma staging." This will allow your physician to determine if the cancer has spread to various internal organs or the lymph nodes. Two terms which you may hear are localized malignant mesothelioma and advanced malignant mesothelioma. Localized malignant mesothelioma is cancer which has not spread beyond the initial tumor, while advanced malignant mesothelioma is the stage in which the cancer is spreading.
Your doctor will carefully create a treatment plan just for you, based upon the stage that you are in, the location of the cancer, gender, age, and any other relevant health factors. Be sure to seek a second opinion if possible.
How do I Protect Myself and My Family?
While wading through all of the medical information you may not have thought about your rights under the law. If a diagnosis of Malignant Mesothelioma has been given, NOW is the time to make sure you and your family are protected. While many laws have been passed regulating the use of asbestos since it was linked to cancer, there are cases where employers have cut corners, exposing their employees to this harmful material. While most of us don't enjoy the idea of taking our boss to court, a lawsuit might be justified in this case. This is a serious and, quite frankly, expensive disease. If a third party has had a hand in your contracting of it, then it is important to make sure your rights have not been violated - check with a legal firm who specializes in representing individuals who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.
In your search for a lawyer, you'll want to look carefully at your options. You'll want to find an attorney who specializes in this kind of personal injury, and in particular someone experienced in representing "plaintiffs" (the injured party). You'll want to talk to a few different attorneys, and do research on line. Ask them about their track record, how many cases have they fought, how many wins and how many losses have they had. In particular, work to find a lawyer who has had experience in dealing with cases related to asbestos exposure.
The Minnesota personal injury lawyers and attorneys of Sieben Polk in Minneapolis MN have successfully represented over 50,000 personal injury cases and are the only mesothelioma law firm in Minnesota litigating on behalf of mesothelioma victims.

Best Mesothelioma Information

The term mesothelioma defines a rare form of cancer that affects the mesothelium, a protective membrane covering most of the internal organs. The mesothelium is named differently depending on the organ it covers: peritoneum (lining the organs inside the abdominal cavity), pleura (covering the lungs), pericardium (lining and protecting the heart), tunica vaginalis (surrounding the male internal reproductive organs) or tunica serosa uteri (lining the internal reproductive organs in women).
Besides protecting the organs it covers, this membrane also produces a lubricating fluid, released between the two layers of the meshotelium. Mesothelioma occurs mainly in people working in toxic environments, with high concentration of asbestos. When toxic fibers of this mineral are ingested or inhaled, they become lodged in organs and cavities, leading to inflammatory processes and infections. They usually generate high cellular damage and overtime they begin to divide uncontrollably. As a consequence, the two layers of the mesothelium become thicker and the fluid between them begins to buildup.
In most of the patients it takes up to 50 years after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma symptoms to develop. Considering the fact that in early stages this form of cancer is asymptomatic, mesothelioma prognosis depends on how advanced the disease is when diagnosed. Receiving a diagnosis during the first stages of the illness improves the patient's chances of positively responding to treatment. On the other hand, if the mesothelioma is diagnosed once it reached the advanced stages, healing options are really limited and often, prognosis is compromised.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of cancer and it usually manifests through persistent dry cough, dysphagia (difficulties in swallowing), dyphnea (shortness of breath), night sweats and fever, fatigue and persistent pain in the chest area. In this type of mesothelioma, the respiratory function is the most affected.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be recognized by symptoms like unexplained weight loss, accentuated anemia, fatigue, frequent diarrhea or constipation episodes, abdominal pain, lumps and swelling, nausea and vomiting. Less frequent than this type of mesothelioma, pericardial cancer leads to heart palpitations and chest pain, dyspnea, fever and generalized fatigue. Testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare, the reduced number of cases known making it harder to establish the typical symptoms. The only common sign reported in literature is the appearance of testicular lumps, which may be painful in some patients.
Diagnosis is usually based on the patient's medical history, a physical examination and - in case mesothelioma symptoms are present, additional tests may be required - usually, X-rays, CT, MRI or PET scans. If the result of these tests is positive and cancer is identified, the physician may also order a biopsy, in order to establish if the mesothelioma is benign or malignant.
As for the treatment, the most common alternatives are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Surgery is used to remove the affected tissues and provide relief from typical symptoms. Radiation therapy kills the existing cancer cells and prevents the growth of new ones, while chemotherapy uses medication to target the cells responsible of mesothelioma development.
Steve Kujala is in the insurance business. He is a grandfather, a frequent article writer and operates numerous websites and blogs. If you are interested in learning more about mesothelioma, see this blog http://bestmesotheliomavideos.small-great-tips.com

The 4 Main Types of Mesothelioma - A Closer Look at How They Are Different

Mesothelioma is the general term used for any type of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, which is the tissue that surrounds one's vital organs. While all forms of mesothelioma are a result of exposure to asbestos, a toxic chemical found in many locations, there is more than one type of this form of cancer.
As the mesothelium tissue can be found in many parts of the body, the cancer that develops in this tissue can also be found in different areas. Accordingly, there are four types of mesothelioma currently recognized by medical professionals: testicular, pericardial, peritoneal, and pleural. These names refer to the area of the body in which the cancer is concentrated.
Testicular Mesothelioma
Testicular refers to the testicles, so this form of mesothelioma affects the tissue found in this part of the male anatomy. This is the least common form of the disease, and as such, there is not a great deal of information available on prevalence statistics or common treatments. There have been less than one hundred cases of this type of mesothelioma reported at this point.
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Also one of the more rare forms of mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma affects the mesothelium found around the heart. The symptoms, which include a persistent cough, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, problems breathing, and chest pain, are difficult to differentiate from those of pleural mesothelioma.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
The peritoneum refers to the lining of the abdominal cavity, which is why the cancer that occurs in this tissue is referred to as peritoneal mesothelioma. This cancer affects the tissues surrounding the organs found in the abdomen, including the stomach and intestines. Peritoneal mesothelioma is more common than either testicular or pericardial mesothelioma, accounting for somewhere between ten and twenty percent of the total number of mesothelioma cases reported. Some symptoms of this form of cancer include pain or swelling in the abdomen, bowel issues, anemia, problems breathing, nausea, blood clotting, loss of appetite, vomiting, and chest pains.
Pleural Mesothelioma
Approximately three quarters of all mesothelioma cases are pleural mesothelioma, making this the most common type of the disease. This type of cancer is concentrated in the tissues around the lungs and those that line the cavity in which the lungs are located. Patients with pleural mesothelioma notice symptoms because fluid builds up between the wall of the chest cavity and the lungs, which makes it harder for the lungs to function properly. Common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include finding it hard to breath, pains in the chest area, and a persistent cough.
Each of these four types of mesothelioma is a serious condition. If you or someone you care about may have any form of this cancer, it is important to seek qualified legal advice from mesothelioma attorneys who have experience in this complex area of the law.